Day 3: A lot of green, a little better (or as day 3 will henceforth be known: ACCIDENTAL SPINACH DAY)


Well… today was a bit better. I’ve successfully kept off the sugar. No biccies for me!

I had a green smoothie for breakfast and (believe it or not from the picture) the remnants of the same green smoothie in the evening. Does spinach go darker green as it ages? I had a sandwich and (spinach!) soup for lunch and a chicken salad for tea.

My fruit/veg count today is: spinach, mango, strawberry, apple, grapes and lettuce

(Basically) no sleep and only 14000 steps.

But I’m inspired to keep on. Smoothies seem like a good way to pack in plenty of veg. People seem to suggest that it’s better to eat the fruit and veg whole. That’s ok, but I haven’t ever done it and I won’t ever do it – not without a stepping stone. Hopefully this is that stone.



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